SKILLSPACE HELPS disconnecteD workers
identify skillS & realistic paths towards employment
There are almost 2 million marginally connected workers in the US. About ¼ of them are ‘discouraged’ workers, meaning they’ve completely given up on looking for employment due to lack of belief they can get a job in today’s market.
Getting these citizens back to work creates a positive ripple effect for all.
Their likelihood of poverty and crime decreases, and physical and mental health improves. States benefit from increased tax revenue and a reduced burden on resources.
Here’s how Skillspace is helping to re-write the story (or restart the conversation) for the detached worker, and the States they live in:
Skillspace is able to integrate with State systems to extract and analyze existing data, minimizing manual labor or dual entry.
Skillspace’s advanced algorithms analyze a worker’s data to create a clear skills analysis report. Geotagging helps to identify available jobs or apprenticeships nearby and selects the best matches based on the skills analysis, factoring in both natural ability and experience.
automated Engagement tools
Skillspace meets works where they are by sending conditional automated text, email, or mail outreaches. Customized information such as a person skill analysis, and clear plan towards a viable career is proactively sent out to constituents. This includes training recommendations with instructions and/or links to register.
Labor Market INSIGHTS
Skillspace also has rich dashboards and reporting to track outreach activities as well as invaluable labor insights on a population for which little information currently exists.