“There are currently 6.6 million job seekers and 6.0 million job openings in our nation. Yet, we have a ‘skills gap’ – the difference between skills job creators need and the skills job seekers offer, leaving too many jobs open.”
- Alexander Acosta, former United States Secretary of Labor
As the overall employment picture brightens, we can improve the efficiency and quality of the US labor market by focusing employers, jobseekers, and governments on skills: the skills that jobs require and the skills that jobseekers already possess (or can go earn).
Skillspace can create a universal, easy-to-use interface across your local workforce agencies and AJCs. Help job seekers demystify their core skill set and begin their search with a clear picture of their strengths and ideal career options. Our tools reveal realistic paths, inclusive of trainings and apprenticeships resources, towards satisfying employment.